Tuesday, October 20, 2009

High School Girl Wears Tuxedo In Senior Photo

I only have four words "Blown out of proportion" The story of Ceara Sturgis, 17 is one that I can't believe the school would pull this far, I mean yeah so what if she went against the tradition but come on it is in a way her own freedom of speech, it is like saying that men should never dress like women, but that doesn't stop some of them I mean go to some of the gay bars and hey guess what you see! "Drag Queens!!!" It really doesn't matter and anyway why did they let her take the picture like that in the first place if they weren't going to let it be in the yearbook, they should have told her to just go and change before ever taking the photo and submitting it to the yearbook and having it ever be rejected basically they could have avoided the whole situation at hand.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Woodrow Animoto

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama Speech

I personaly had trouble with paying atention to the speech because it was rather dull. I was wondering the entire time why doesn't he just say "Don't do drugs, and stay in school." But I was also in the mood to hit the girls behind me because they wouldn't be quiet!!! That is really all I actually have to say about it, barely anything went into my mind from what he said, but many things went into my mind from those girls; damn them.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009





Friday, August 28, 2009

Blogger Unmasked by Google

The case of the "skank" blogger is a very rediculous subject to have to go over. The Blogger firstly shouldn't have writen anything bad about someone in the first place, but she had the right to keep her identity to herself. Although in the other aspect the model got too worked up about the situation, she should have just ignored it completely and after all the only people that had seen the blog was the actual blogger and the model that was attacked by the blogger. Gossip is one of the most commonly known ways that people are hurt. It is so well known in high schools as well and people take things to seriously but if everyone just stopped. No one said anything like this, if they just let it be, there would never be any sort of stupid situations of this kind. Had the model not found it she would have never brought it to the front, and no one else would have seen it. And had the blogger not abused her rights of the first commandment she would have never been in this position. Nothing would have happened, if they had never decided to gossip.

Thursday, August 27, 2009



Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day 8-25-09

I am looking forward to working on the yearbook staff and helping with photographs and make sure everyones names are right!!! And I would love to be able to help out with working on the Musical pages, it would be so exciting. Interviewing the actors and the directors is a wonderful thing to be able to do and I would enjoy it so much!!! I can't wait to get a chance to cover it!